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The Hatter's Hat

When the Queen of Hearts accuses Mary Ann of stealing her tarts, will Mary Ann be able to prove her innocence? Or will it be 'off with her head?'
  • cover
  • author A Real World
    Treasure Hunt
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Solve the Clues. Find the Treasure.

Prequel to Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, The Hatter's Hat is a literary work of art AND a treasure hunt all-in-one. If you like Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, you'll love The Hatter's Hat. Solve the clues for a real world treasure.

The Book Chapters

  • cover
  • author A Real World
    Treasure Hunt
  1. A Mad Experiment
  2. Ten Lucky Customers
  3. Through the Fairy Door
  4. Dear Muffin
  5. Cat and Mouse
  6. The Present For No One
  7. The Best Butter
  8. And more...

A Treasure is Hidden

Somewhere in the United States, a treasure chest is hidden. Inside, there is a golden key and a secret message written on a hundred dollar bill. If you can find the golden key, you can claim the real world treasure, filled with gold, silver, diamonds, rubies, old world coins, and more. All the information you need to find the golden key are in the book, The Hatter's Hat. Learn more about the Wonderland Treasure at The official Wonderland Treasure website.

Book Reviews

The book has not yet been published. Please come back soon for reviews.

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About The Author

David Jacobsen is author of the book The Hatter's Hat, prequel to Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll. He is also the creator of the Wonderland Treasure Hunt - a real world treasure hunt interactive experience with a prize worth over $10,000.00. When he isn’t writing children’s books or young adult fantasy, and when he isn’t stashing treasure chests in the wilderness of North America, David is a marketing professional, serial inventor, and expert entrepreneur. He holds several utility patents and has led numerous fortune 500s and startups to success across a number of verticals, including wholesale manufacturing, financial services, music merchandise, fitness, e-commerce, advertising, web development, healthcare manufacturing, and more.

David earned a Juris Doctor from the University of San Diego School of Law and a Bachelor of Arts degree in English and Philosophy from Colgate University before pursuing a career in marketing and entrepreneurship. In his spare time, he enjoys writing books, composing music, and doing anything creative. In 2020, David hid a treasure chest somewhere in the United States, and he encoded clues and hints to the treasure chest’s whereabouts in his book, The Hatter’s Hat. You can learn more about the treasure, the book, and its author at wonderlandtreasure.com.